Plan The Life You Want


Before you start a business, make sure it works for your life!

This workbook will take you through an exercise to find time for things you want to do.

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In order to live the life you want, you must first know what that life looks like. Many of you are already thinking about fancy cars, exotic trips, or a new house, but let’s back up for a second. The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time! Things always seem more doable in smaller pieces so this workbook takes a look at all the “pieces” of your life.!

Your life is lived over a period of years.  You live each year one month at a time. Each month is lived a week at a time. A week is lived day by day, and each day is lived by the hour. 

It’s going to be impossible to create the life you want, if you’re unwilling to make some necessary changes or sacrifices in your life currently.