Join today and get access to proven strategies for finding profitable vending machine locations.

This exclusive program that shows you exactly how to find locations and create consistent passive income  – even if you’ve never run a business before!

Atlanta Braves Logo

These strategies have brought consistent traffic to small local vending business owners and attracted some big names in the industry like Amazon, FedEx, and the Atlanta Braves!

Fedex Logo

 Here’s What You Get When You Join Today

Starting any business can be challenging, but The VendSmart Club will make it easier for you.

The Complete System For Finding Profitable Locations

Scripts, templates, framework. Everything you need to find high traffic locations — a proven process that has worked for members all over the country. (Value: $3997)

Hours of Video Training

These video trainings show you not just how to find a location or two, but how to find opportunities and resources that will help your business grow and run efficiently. (Value: $2997)

Access to the VendSmart Club VIP Community

It is crucial to surround yourself with people who are also committed to growing their business. Your network is your net worth –one connection from this group has helped to increase profits at current locations by 17%. (Value: $1997)

Direct Business Coaching Calls

One of the most important aspects in Vending is finding the right location. This usually takes time and work, but we will help you secure the right location for your business in a short period of time. We will even help you handle the contracts.

Monthly Live Q&A with Candra

Get any and all questions answered. Lots of our students also use these business coaching calls to keep them accountable for hitting their milestone goals. (Value: $2997)

Bonus: Access to discounts & exclusive business service

Utilize members only services, like locating, and other resources curated to help grow your business (Value: $997)

Bonus: Eligibility to Income Generating Opportunities

 Earn additional income by taking advantage of exclusive referral programs. (Value $997)

Become A Location Magnet

No need to waste gas looking for locations or hiring expensive locators! Decision makers from high traffic locations will come to you!

Transportation Warehouses

Juvenile Detention Centers

High Schools

Private Hospitals



Production Companies

State Lottery Commission

Luxury Airlines

Federal Prisons

Colleges & Universities


Luxury Hotels

State Patrol

Major League Sports Teams

Private Pool Clubs

Luxury Apartments


This Location Training Is For You If…

You want to skip the learning curve, trial and error, and starting and stopping and get straight to the business.

Chris C., Oakland, CA

You are tired of trading your time for money and want to achieve unlimited earning potential..

LaToya S., Atlanta, GA

You want to have more control over your schedule and spend more time with kids, friends, and family.

Gwen R., Chicago, IL

VendSmart Club Founder

Hi, I'm Candra! It's nice to meet you!

Getting started with any new business is always challenging. Believe me, I understand. When I started in the Vending Machine business I was working a full-time job. There was so much I didn’t understand, I didn’t know where to start and I made some unfortunate decisions.

It took some work, but I was able to create a six figure vending machine business in just six months. I was fortunate enough to turn a rocky start into a profitable business for my family! I can’t help but think how much further along I would be in this business if I had help from someone who actually wanted me to succeed and wasn’t solely focused on selling vending machines!

 This is why I teach other potential vending operators all over the world, how to start a successful vending machine business.

So let’s get started!